Men in Yellow

Comenzamos la semana con un nuevo CONSIGUE EL LOOK!!
Esperamos que os guste!!

Here we are again with a new GET THE LOOK!
Hope you all like it!!

Photo via: MDV Style
Más favorecedor si tienes una piel bronceada y fácilmente combinable; el amarillo es un color que suele evitarse, pero en moda masculina cada vez se está arriesgando mas, es el mejor momento para integrar un toque de este color en tu armario. ¿Sois fans del amarillo? ¿Cómo lo combináis?

Yellow is all-too-often avoided; but with menswear taking more risks this season, it is the best time to integrate a hefty dose of this noteworthy colour into your wardrobe. Are you a fan of yellow? 
How do you work it into your wardrobe?

 Feliz semana! /  Have a nice week!!
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Get The Look - Men


Asesora de imagen personal en Vigo.

There are 64 comments for this article
  1. My fashion wold at 14:17

    Buen post, tu blog me ha encantado, soy adicta a los diseños de uñas y me has ayudado con muchas ideas!!!
    Gracias por pasarte por mmi blog, ya tienes una seguidora mas

  2. Eshna at 14:26

    Such a nice post.
    Thanks for your comment on my blog.
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    Hope you can follow me back.

  3. Softwares to Stilettoes at 14:39

    Wow…You got a great blog..
    Thanks for visiting my blog… I am following you..
    Hope you follow me back..!!

    Love from India..!!

  4. Charnele Michel at 16:49

    Love your blazer! thanks for stopping by my blog now following you! 🙂

    xoxo stay fabulous

  5. Glam up your Lifestyle at 18:48

    A great look for a man.

    Thank you for your nice comment.
    I follow you and hope you follow back.